we went there for a school excursion and we had to pick out stuff that we think
represented the peranakan culture and hand in a drawing of it.
it's interesting how during our ancestors' (including the peranakan ones, of course) generation it was just plain simple that we had to have a god (like the statue i made a sketch of) or the God to worship, some bigger power(s) with the task of taking care of us, the planet, the whole universe. having a religion, having something we strongly believe in was just, well, logic.
now religion is accused of being some twisted conspiracy theory and God or gods are shifted to be a fragment in a human's mind merely to help us oversome our insecurities, someone we "imagine" so that we have someone to run to when everything goes wrong. religion is now somehow the opposite of what's considered logic.
how did this shift? how did this happen? does religion no longer suit these modern humans (who instead devote their body and souls to technology) anymore? we think we're so much better and advanced than our ancestors with all our modern technologies and so-called theories.
but are we really?
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