Thursday, February 2, 2012

I had an outing with a fellow sketcher I got to know through the Urban Sketchers Singapore group. We had lunch, walked around for a bit, then decided to sketch at the Singapore Art Museum. We sat at the SMU building across the road from it, sheltered from the blistering sun (it was already 3ish, so we thought it wouldn't be so bad but we were wrong — boo!) My friend actually sketched the building while I opted to sketch these instead.

I sketched this plant exactly for the reason i wrote on the sketch; because they look pretty like fireworks! :)

Concrete Jungle — The Manulife building, the one that has Wendy's & Kopitiam at the first floor intrigued me as from the spot I was sitting, it looked like this, a tall building that seemed to be 'protected' by the trees surrounding it (when in reality, the trees were across the road from it, but from this angle that's how it striked me). Although I complain a lot about Singapore developing too fast in terms of modern day necessities such as tall buildings just like the one I drew, this sort of reminded me that there's still effort put into keeping the greenery too. So I ended up quite happy realizing that while sketching.
(I much regret the green-ish sky. what was I thinking?)

Sketching is much more fun when you have a companion. I plan to do another outing with another friend of mine to the zoo. I've always wanted to do this and we'll spend the whole Saturday sketching the hell out of those animals! So exciteeeeeeddddd! :)