Monday, April 2, 2012

The James McAvoy Movie Role Illustrated Appreciation Post

ok obviously, I am crazy about this guy!
I was snooping around t-shirt designs from society6 and there was one with cute-ified illustrations of Jack Black in all of his movie role costumes, so I wanted to do something like that. my first pick, regarding how much fun all his wacky costumes would be to draw, was Johnny Depp, but he has done a bazillion movies and I'd never be able to finish. so instead, the ever so charming James McAvoy sounded like a good idea and I really do adore the man! the details are super simplified and some may not be 100% accurate, but this is my best try :) I skipped his animated characters so yeah, I ended up with 14 doodles in total.

these are just rough sketches okay, so not so harsh on the comments/critiques (if any hahah), eh? :) I'll trace them out digitally one by one and post them when I'm done. perhaps I'll try printing some on an actual t-shirt. we'll see how that'll look. I'll most likely do Mr. Tumnus first because that's the one that looks most like I imagined it in my head :)

which one do YOU like?