We were given an after effects assignment to make a videoclip for any song.
I chose a song called "Francis" by a talented franco-canadian chanteuse who goes by the name of Coeur de Pirate.
The animation is loosely based on the lyrics, she is talking about a guy she used to know named Francis. Though they don't see each other anymore, she still remembers him. Kind of bittersweet. The deer (rusaboy) plays Francis, wandering around the girls mind.
This is only a part of the song. For the full song you can check it out here.
P.S. the video is originally high quality but since the video uploader for this blog is kinda crap, please bear with me, yeah? :3
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Posted by namira primandari at 6:25 AM 0 comments
these drawings were done for a project where we had to propose certain improvements to websites we got to pick ourselves. one of the aspects we wanted to fix for the website we chose was the visual. the pictures they had were just way too stiff. so we attempted to make more 'friendly' looking buildings as the restaurants are targeted for families. i was in charge of the designs and this is what i came up with :)
originally hand drawn and then outlined with fine liners and coloured in photoshop.
Posted by namira primandari at 6:10 AM 0 comments

we went there for a school excursion and we had to pick out stuff that we think
represented the peranakan culture and hand in a drawing of it.
it's interesting how during our ancestors' (including the peranakan ones, of course) generation it was just plain simple that we had to have a god (like the statue i made a sketch of) or the God to worship, some bigger power(s) with the task of taking care of us, the planet, the whole universe. having a religion, having something we strongly believe in was just, well, logic.
now religion is accused of being some twisted conspiracy theory and God or gods are shifted to be a fragment in a human's mind merely to help us oversome our insecurities, someone we "imagine" so that we have someone to run to when everything goes wrong. religion is now somehow the opposite of what's considered logic.
how did this shift? how did this happen? does religion no longer suit these modern humans (who instead devote their body and souls to technology) anymore? we think we're so much better and advanced than our ancestors with all our modern technologies and so-called theories.
but are we really?
Posted by namira primandari at 5:46 AM 0 comments
the hungry little reindeer
Posted by namira primandari at 5:44 AM 0 comments
Labels: digital, doodles, fauna fetish
first ever stop motion :)
a group project with my old classmates, eve and ana in 2009.
was loads of fun doing it. you can never go wrong with silly ideas and good buddies.
always wanted to do another stop motion, a personal project, but haven't had the time to do so yet.
for now, hope you can enjoy this one!
Posted by namira primandari at 5:16 AM 0 comments
Labels: animation
in an older post, i once posted some pictures of a 3d model
i was working on at the time.
here is the continuation of the same project :
the blendshape a.k.a. facial expressions.
with this step done, my character can do
"oohs" "aaahs" and "ooh la las" :)
the final animation was done ages ago actually, i'll try to post it soon!
Posted by namira primandari at 3:37 AM 0 comments
Dory's Rant
Dory's rant from the awesome Finding Nemo.
this was done as a warm up before doing a school project.
we had to get an audio clip from an actual movie and do a kinetic typo out of it.
before doing the real deal i decided to start out with a short clip.
even though it was my first time but i enjoyed doing it very much! ♥
*no copyright infringement intended, strictly for educational and entertainment purposes :)
Posted by namira primandari at 3:28 AM 0 comments
Labels: animation, digital, disney geek, pixar geek
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Beatles for Kids #1
Posted by namira primandari at 8:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: digital, doodles, musik, the beatles
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
happy birthday shenda :)
hey shenda, kamu tau kenapa aku seneng temenan sama kamu?
first of all, though, i have to say, it sucks (or s*cks kalau kata kamu hehee) how i can't say this to you directly.
i had a lot of fun making your video last year. tadinya aku pikir tiap liburan bisa pulang dan ulang taun kamu g bakal kelewat. tapi ternyata kali ini ga bisa. hehee.
kita bisa deket gini padahal baik dari sifat maupun kebiasaan g banyak yg sama sih kalau dipikir". kamu jauh lebih dewasa dan bertanggung jawab soalnya udah mah anak sulung, adenya banyak lagi tapi mungkin karena itu kamu mau ngurusin aku yg suka rewel ini :)
kamu sangat up to date sama berita artis, mostly hollywood, padahal aku mah hampir setengah orang" yg kamu sebutin itu aku ngga tau. hahaa. tapi aku seneng" aja kita ngegosipin artis bareng di angkot bari diliatin sama orang" seangkot. and i am so not into your whole twilight fever but it's endearing to listen to you talk about them so lovingly :) terus kamu jangan sedih ya miley cyrus jadi nakal sekarang. kamu doain aja yg terbaik buat idola kamu itu :p
terus satu yang aku suka banget dari shenda, i've said this a lot but it's no harm to say it again, kamu itu selalu bisa cari kelebihan & kebaikan dari orang kek, situasi kek, you can always see the glass as half full although of course you realize why some other people would see that very same glass as half empty. you're a positive young girl, husnudzon banget :) ok lah, kamu bilang makin tua, kadar "bitter" kita juga makin nambah. aku juga ngerasa begitu. tapi overall, kamu masih jauh lebih positif dari kebanyakan orang yg aku kenal. i love that about you ♥ please keep it up, it's what makes you stand out in a crowd. a bitter, bitter crowd of the world today, that is.
sedikit kontras sama yg tadi, tapi dalam situasi terntentu kamu bisa sinis banget. i am a very sarcastic person kalau situasinya mendorong untuk begitu. i need sarcasm every now and then in my life. it amuses me very much. it's not a good thing i guess, tapi sekali" sarkasme itu memang sungguh nikmat :)
apalagi kalau cuma antar kita doang mah. sarcastic banter amongst us, anak" bfor is priceless stuff! :D
you are very ambitious, you set up high goals for yourself. itu banget yg aku harus belajar dari kamu. ibu aku aja bilang gitu. i'm not that ambitious and my damn IQ tests suggest that i should be an overachiever. you're always in that direction. i look up to you to motivate me to be something like that :) seperti yg kamu bilang, pertemanan kita dilandasi sebagian oleh saling mengagumi. alhamdulillah ya pertemanan kita sehat bener. hahaa. bisa dijadiin program tv edukatif untuk remaja indonesia itu :p
you have lots and lots of friends. kalau aku bilang ini perbedaan antara kita berdua pasti kamu g setuju dan bilang "loh namira juga banyak temennya kan". tapi kamu tuh bisa cepet genuinely deket sama banyak orang dan kamu jauh lebih cuek daripada aku. kadar sanguin kamu lebih besar. aku sanguinis-melankolis, hampir seimbang jadi kadar melankoli aku gede jg. i have social needs, yes, aku seneng punya beberapa orang temen deket di sekitar aku, bukan cuma 1 sahabat yg ke mana" berdua doang. but i'm very self-concious too, i can't help it. aku bisa cepet akrab basa-basi sama orang. tapi kalau bener" all out harus sama yg udah masuk circle of trust dulu. i have bad trust issues, i really do. and i'm glad i met you :) padahal kita sekelas g pernah. jadi agak random juga kita temenan. okelah kamu x-9 tapi kan pada akhirnya aku g deket sama semua anak x-9. i need someone i can trust and care about and cares about me too. i found all that just by being friends with you :)
being friends with you gives me hope about friendship itself. you make friendship easy for me. i just simply enjoy your company. no stupid fights because there's rarely anything stupid enough to fight about. ga ada pengorbanan atau penyesuain gila"an, despite all our differences, things just work out. being friends with you is like doing something i'm meant to do :)
so my wonderful friend, i wish you a very very happy birthday. may all of your ambitious wishes in life come true, even that tiffany. co engagement ring fantasy. hahaa :) may you continue to be a strong and positive person who inspires people around you. yes, it's true, you do. may you encounter life's many adventures and be blessed with the wisdom on how to face it all. and may our friendship last, at least until your next birthday, then i can wish for it to last another year. i'll do it every year and in the end we'll find our friendship lasts til the very end. amin ♥
Posted by namira primandari at 1:22 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 23, 2010
a good friend of mine asked me to draw him an owl.. i drew a couple of sketches and showed it to him.. this is the one he liked best..it happens that on this very night i can NOT sleep at all.. i did have a rather long nap earlier.. and i'm also excited as hell since i'll be off to KL to start my internship first thing in the morning so that might be the reason i can't sleep too..
but anyway, lucky i have this goofy looking owl to keep me company tonight..
hope you all are having better luck sleeping tonight! nite nite ★
Posted by namira primandari at 9:48 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 22, 2010
happy birthday naghe :)
Dearest Naghe,
sesuatu yg sering banget kita omongin adalah betapa jalan hidup kita suka sama banget..
siapa lagi coba temen aku yg bareng dari SD sampe SMA terus AFS bareng pula..
we are often facing the same kinds of situations in which we tend to have pretty much the same points of view on things that happen in life.. random stuff, kyk waktu itu naghe bikin notes tentang kampus yg berinisial 3 huruf itu, itu kena banget because i have exactly the same opinions, also regarding the place where i ended up going to..
we tend to always invest 100% of our hearts in anything or, ehm, anyone we're involved in, which leads to perhaps unnecessarily terrible dissappointment at times but also unexpectedly joyful *but well deserved* moments at other times..
we tend to have a hard time letting things go.. we forgive but never forget.. and we end up telling bitter little b*thcy stories to each other which after it's shared, it's not so bad anymore and can even be turned into laughter :)
our big fat wall of pride on certain things, perhaps that's the reason why we both insist on doing part-time jobs *are you still teaching, dear?* even though managing time for our academic studies is already somewhat of a task.. it gives us satisfaction, it makes us feel independent, it fulfills our strong social needs, it makes us feel better about ourselves since we're actually doing something for other people.. and most of all, the fact that we can earn our own money makes our parents proud, even though it's only enough for our own needs.. and at the end of the day, that's the reason we do everything we do and try to achieve everything we want to achieve, is to make our parents proud.. the best way to make people like us happy is to know that we've done something that makes our parents/family and loved ones happy..
i have no trouble making friends *sombong :p* but finding friends who actually care, that's something different.. and i also have really bad trust issues, i find it tremendously difficult to find someone i can trust.. therefore, i'm a lucky person to have met you and be given the ability to call you a friend, nadia greviana :)
i wish you a wonderful, wonderful year ahead!
21 sure does seem like a big number, but if God is giving us the chance to live this far, means we're still useful enough to have around in this earth.. may you continue to help and bring joy to the others around you like you always have, whether you realize you're doing it or not :)
loads of ♥ from SG,
Namira :)
p.s. i'm sorry i'm not around to say all this to you directly *i wish i were*, i'm sorry i ended up posting this 1 day late, and i miss you too much :')
Posted by namira primandari at 9:14 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 21, 2010
Travel Buddy #1
this is a book i've been wanting to get a chance to read for AGES!
now that i'm going to malaysia i wanted to have some good books to keep me company so i thought it was the perfect time to buy it..
the cover is too fascinating for me to not be interested.. the book is called Map of the Invisible World yet the cover is a map of my dear old Jawa Barat.. it triggered my curiosity to the max! :D
the general description of what it's all about is even more amusing, check this out folks :
it's a tale about a Dutch man who lives in Jakarta during Soekarno's 1960s period written by a Chinese-Malaysian guy who lives in London!
i haven't even read a page of it yet i already find this book very interesting indeed :)
Posted by namira primandari at 9:23 AM 0 comments
Labels: babbles
the art trip
I may not come across as the most adventurous person you know but I've definitely always had a thing for traveling. I like getting to stay in new places and learn new cultures and people.
Maybe because I was exposed from a very young age that it's possible to go live abroad for, let's say, studying or work purposes.
I get nervous of course but I'm always excited and I know I can handle myself in a new place no matter what. My AFS exchange year taught me that. No foreign language or hard-to-deal-with people can stop me from adapting to the new experience. I'm not afraid to try :)
This particular passion of mine has drawn me to AFS, which brought me to Switzerland on my exchange year. And its perhaps the reason why I was so sure to choose to study in Singapore. All my Bandung pride wanted me to go to ITB, multiplied by the fact that I was in SMAN 3, where it's almost as if it's a sin if you don't continue to study at ITB. But the fact that I had a chance to live and study in another country all on my own was too tempting to turn down.
Now, I'll be doing an internship in Malaysia this holiday. I could just find some place in Bandung to do it and I'll have an excuse to go home for the holidays, or ask for my lecturer's help to find me somewhere in Singapore where i can do it. But, no, yet again this living in a new country thing is just too fascinating to let go for me :) Some don't get why I would prefer to go to Malaysia when I probably have possible links in Singapore. But I know the company I'll be working in. I know the people. I love their work. And what they're looking for is exactly what I can and love to do. My portfolio *a.k.a. this blog ~ hahaaa* consists of illustrations, graphic designs, 2d animation, and 3d animation & modelling. I'm offering all i can do and I can't blame potential employers to hire me, for let's say graphic design, which I'm not particularly fond of, because I did put it in my portfolio. But Lady Luck was definitely on my side. They're looking for someone who could do 2d hand drawn animation : the thing I love doing the most :)
So I'm more than excited and more than nervous as well. These guys have mad awesome artworks and i have to do better than my best to fit in.
Wish me luck, folks! :) ♥
Posted by namira primandari at 2:18 AM 0 comments
Labels: babbles
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
A is for Aye-Aye : the making
these sketches are part of my own personal little research..
for one of my old assignments i tried to pitch a concept about endangered animals but it wasn't approved but i still have the urge to do it..
i have always been fascinated by endangered species because they are all so wonderfully weird, including this little creature, the Aye-Aye as the first subject of my alphabetical endangered animal series :)
p.s. this is a real animal, i did not make it or any of its features up, serious..
Posted by namira primandari at 11:34 AM 0 comments
Labels: doodles, fauna fetish
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
eve and the rice sack
second video post! enjoy :)
Posted by namira primandari at 1:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: animation
two negatives does equal a postive sometimes :)
2nd negative : i DON'T like cats at all, call me weird but that's how it is
i'm using a cat as my character* for my recent maya assignment
and it actually looks pretty OK :)
i'll be so glad when this is all over
but i think i can actually have a bit of fun with it - yay!

*why did i do a cat then, you wonder?
well, i kinda had an almost immediate idea for the storyline and only a cat would make my story work.. hahaaa..
it has something to do with a mouse.. i'll try to post the video once it's done next week! :)
Posted by namira primandari at 1:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: animation, school stuff
the rice sack and the orange
i've been trying for ages to get my animation videos uploaded on this blog but i haven't been successful..
so i resized this into a much smaller file..
est voilà!
this is my first ever hand drawn animation :)
it's my favourite due to it's simplicity and probably just for sentimental reasons since it's one of my first..
despite the rather poor quality, i hope you like it!
Posted by namira primandari at 11:47 AM 0 comments
Labels: animation
You Might Not Care About Global Warming ...
but do you really have the heart to ruin what this helpless little fella calls "home"?
save the penguin, save the world ...
Posted by namira primandari at 11:32 AM 0 comments
Labels: babbles, doodles, fauna fetish
if Jamie Hewlett* himself randomly stumbles upon this post, would i have made him proud? ;D
*jamie who? if you have never heard of him, puh-leeease look him up! it's for your own good :)
Happily Lonely
one of these is happy and the other one is lonely.. care to guess which is which?
*what a no-brainer! - you might think*
are you sure, though?
are happiness and loneliness really two different things?
would you mind if i simply say i'm happily lonely?
Posted by namira primandari at 10:41 AM 0 comments
Labels: doodles, school stuff
why do people hate TYPO?
what's all the fuss? i ♥ it :)

~ for the record, this was strictly for a school assignment.. if i picked out my own
musician, chris brown wouldn't be the first name that comes to mind, guys ;p
Posted by namira primandari at 9:21 AM 0 comments
Labels: doodles, school stuff
Spring Girl and Summer Girl
i'm pretty much a newbie at digital illustration..
these two pieces are my first ever attempts at tackling the subject..
history in the making, folks! ;)
one of our other assignments was to make a spring-summer-autumn-winter theme..
the first is my spring girl and the second is, of course, my summer girl..
i scanned the sketches then traced & coloured them in illustrator..
Posted by namira primandari at 8:51 AM 0 comments
Labels: digital
Monday, February 8, 2010
trip to jakarta soundtrack
this was my songlist when i went to the old capital city last weekend..
i thought it was a pretty nice mix :) check out the songs and you probably might like it too !
*if you don't then just pretend you do coz i reaaaally like 'em*
♪ my sharona - the knack
♪ love you - the free design
♪ stuck in the middle - stealers wheel
♪ never let you go - third eye blind
♪ ottoman - vampire weekend
♪ rock the casbah - the clash
♪ sea of love - cat power
♪ baby i love your way - bob marley
♪ all i need - radiohead
♪ piazza, new york catcher - belle and sebastian
♪ judy and the dream of horses - belle and sebastian
♪ me and the major - belle and sebastian
♪ her majesty - the beatles
♪ there is a light that never goes out - the smiths
♪ here comes your man - the pixies
♪ you make my dreams come true - hall and oates
♪ there goes the fear - the doves
♪ bar-ba-sol - david cook
♪ when you're gone - the cranberries
♪ married with children - oasis
♪ talk show host - radiohead
♪ don't waste the pretty (acoustic) - allison iraheta
♪ no more i love yous - annie lennox
♪ riot van - arctic monkeys
♪ i bet you look good on the dance floor - arctic monkeys
♪ lagu sendu - audy
♪ God only knows - the beach boys
♪ here comes the sun - the beatles
♪ take a chance - the magic numbers
♪ she's got you high - mumm-ra
♪ bang - blur
and yes, i DO think that the UK produces by far the best music out there..
p.s. remember that saweran money i got the other day ? i had to use it up for stupid airport tax ! >:(
Posted by namira primandari at 1:23 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 7, 2010
cheers to the new mister and missus !
so thursday night i took the last flight out to jakarta so i could make it in time for this special day but not skip any classes on thursday *on which i have a class at the random time slot of 6-7pm*
capek bener deh sampe bandara tapi seneng dijemput bapak ibu :)
rupanya hari ini kita nginep di hotel ambhara karena d rumah sodara aku d jenggala udah fully booked..
so i wanted to hace a good night's sleep ahead of tomorrow which would last the whole day *akad, resepsi* but i couldn't.. not because i had trouble sleeping, not because there was something that interesting on tv *which of course was cable - woohoo! ;D* - NO..
it was because i have frikkin HOMEWORK !
urrghhh.. i guess this is mostly my own fault for procrastinating, but hey, i was the only one who had the initiative do compile our group's slides together into a powerpoint..
so i spent the night doing slides of a marketing analysis on a company of our choice *ehm, durex* .. was done at about like 3am and opted to use the wi-fi they had at the hotel and i waited for a frikkin hour and it hadn't finished attaching my ppt file to the email i was gonna send the other guys - urrghhh !
so i pestered my dad to accompany me to a warnet.. it took me only 5 minutes to get it done there and it cost me Rp. 4.000,00 ! ~ di bandung dapet 1 jam lebih ituuuu ! :((((
ok, so i ended up having a super exclusive 1 hour beauty sleep.. well, i guess i won't need eyeliners, i already had natural "smoky eyes".. grrr !
jam 6 udah mesti d jenggala didandanin.. kirain penuh sodara" cewe, ternyata cuma segelintir ipar" bapak dan aku doang !
ternyata aku teh kan disuruh bawa kalung melati sama keris buat pengantin tea kadi emang mesti dandan to the max ! hahaa..
akadny lancar bangettt.. alhamdulillah :) terus ada saweran.. permen sama duit.. harot bener om & tante aku ngelemparnya pake gaya ala sun go kong, berasa bakal nembus jidat aja kalau sampe kena jadi aku malah agak menghindari lemparannya..
sebelah kanan aku, spupu aku uca, dapet 20 ribuuu !
sebelah kiri aku, mba patrice dapet 200 ribuuuu ~ woooowww !
kok aku doang y yg g hoki ?
tau" d belakang aku pada ngomentarin aku knapa g ambil yg d kolong kursi ? tau" ada 150ribu doooongggg ! ~ alhamdulillah :DDDDDD
beres akad ngantuk setengah mampus, tewas deh d hotel.. padahal shenda sama naghe nelfon terus soalnya kan mereka sama keny mau ikut k resepsinya.. upsss ! sorry, ladies !
akhirny ketemuan langsung d tempatnya aja :)
keluarga inti yg cewe dresscodenya maroon, and i think we all did a pretty good job with our dresses..
it was nice seeing us girls all fancy and dressed up :)
dan skarang kan spupu" aku yg cowo" banyak yg udah kawin nih, jadi spupu cewe yg tadiny dikit jadi banyak soalnya ada spupu" ipar juga ! :)
the happy couple looked really cute and i just LOVED my cousin's dress !
they had a toast and my dad was one of them and it looked so weird seeing him hold up a glass of red wine.. after the toast i went up to my dad and made sure he did not drink it.. the rest did, and that was fine by me, just not my dad..
then some friends of the bride and groom read had some speeches read aloud, it was really sweet :) and then there was the bouquet toss and my cousin wouldn't toss it to me
*ah ngga usaaah ! kamu mah gampaaanggg !*
i don't know where she got that idea, but hey, amen to that ! that ain't a bad prayer come to think of it ;p
the food was awesome, as always.. *more salmon sashimi for next time though ! it was gone in like 20 minutes ~ urrghhhh !*
the music was set mostly to my aunt's generation's taste but for kids whose taste in music is ages older than themselves like me, naghe, shenda, and keny, we bopped along just as enthusiastically as the happy aunts and uncles :)
during the party we met a very special guest..
an inspirational woman who has done a LOT for this country :)
*even with all this century bank crap and what not (in which i think she's not guilty) you can't deny how she kinda saved our a**es during the global crisis, right ?*
we were some of the last ones to go.. the ones who stayed the longest were my cousins friends.. i went to talk to my cousin and her new hubby for a while then it was time to go..
and there you go, it was a great night even for me, so it must've been really precious to the newlyweds :)
so congratulations my lovely big sis, dini, and her lucky husband, arion :)
you make a great couple and i hope to see you guys as happy as today for the rest of the years to come !
see you when i see you because i really don't know when i'm gonna be back in indonesia again..
Posted by namira primandari at 11:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: babbles, school stuff
Sunday, January 31, 2010
can you name both ?
if you don't get it, then
it's a major giveaway :)
Posted by namira primandari at 10:47 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 25, 2010
o romeo, where art thou ?
jodoh itu di tangan Tuhan..
tapi kalau temen" aku yg ngomong berasanya mereka kyk yg paling tau aja jodoh aku kyk gimana..
mereka selalu dgn sangat pedenya bilang kalau aku sekalinya pacaran beneran pasti langsung terus sampe nikah.. dan aku jadi termakan omongan mereka..
that's why i'm SO unreasonably picky..
leading me to be SO unreasonably single..
thanks a lot guys ! :/
Posted by namira primandari at 4:53 AM 0 comments
Labels: babbles
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
once upon a lazy tuesday
percakapan bodoh dua teman sekamar..
Pamela : Nam, tau Cat Power ga ?
Namira : Hah ? Siapa tuh ? Ga tau..
percakapan itu pun berlalu dgn garingnya sehubungan dgn respons saya yg negatif..
5 detik berikutnya pun saya udah lupa sama isi percakapan tadi saking ga berkesannya..
keesokan harinya..
libur mendadak nih, dosen kita ga masuk..
jadi kami menghabiskan hari dgn memanfaatkan akses internet unlimited yg emang tersedia di kosan :)
i was craving for a bit of gossip, tapi kalau gosip lokal mah paling soal pasha ungu atau anang - krisdayanti.. jadi saya memutuskan buat mencari informasi yg lebih berguna ; gosip seleb luar negeri ~ guna bgt kan ? :p
jadilah saya ke www.ew.com ..
berhubung taun di penghujung dekade kyk begini, lagi usum bgt ada countdown" best blablabla of the decade.. nah ini ada top 10 albums of the decade versi ew.com tentunya, bukan versi tabloid nova..
cukup ketebak isinya.. tapi di antara list itu ada yg rarasaan mah saya belum pernah denger..
seneng deh punya lagu" baru yg bagus"..
jadi saya pamer dong ke temen sekamar saya..
Namira : Namanya Cat Power.. Dengerin deh, enak lagunya..
saya lempeng aja karena ga ngeh apa yg bikin temen sekamar saya ini mukanya jadi asem begini.. lagian perbedaannya kurang signifikan juga karena emang Pamela nih mukanya asem.. *just kidding, Pamela geulis ;)*
Pamela pun menghela nafas dan mengingatkan saya kembali akan isi percakapan kita sebelumnya..
percuma juga diingetin karena saya bener" ga inget saking ga berkesannya percakapan kita hari kemarinnya..
Posted by namira primandari at 6:53 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 11, 2010
a trip to egypt
hari ini hari pertama kuliah dan hari ini pula kita dibolehin pulang cepet..
harusnya kuliah dari jam 9 nyambung sampe jam 3 sore..
tapi ajaibnya, dosen yg jam 12 - 3 g masuk.. dan lebih hebat lagi dosen yg jam 9 ga punya bahan ngajar karena data" beliau ada di dosen yg jam 12 tadi.. *hooraayy !*
kebetulan sekali karena jam 12 kami, aku dan Pamela, sudah bebas luntang lantung, jadi bisa bareng sama temen" dari kelas animasi yg satu lagi.. kami kelas 2c, yg satu lagi 2d.. untung bukan 2b, itu mah pinsil..
nah, jadilah kami berombongan gadis" asal indonesia berjumlah 7 orang memutuskan buat mengisi waktu dengan hal yang berguna :
kami mengunjungi museum !
National Museum of Singapore lebih tepatnya..
why we chose to visit this museum, you ask ?
★ karena dekat.. dengan begini walau dengan pengetahuan minim tentang singapur dan kemampuan orientasi yg agak payah *we're girls, what do you expect ?* , kami tidak mungkin nyasar..
★ karena gratiisss.. kenapa ? karena student card kami memberi akses ke hampir semua museum di Singapura.. setidakny kalau museum seni mah tinggal masuk aja.. asal g lupa salam dan lepas sepatu..
kemudahan mah g boleh disia"kan.. mubazir kan dosa :)
★ karena sedang ada pameran yg memang menurut kami menarik..
kami masuk cuma tinggal nunjukkin kartu pelajar terus udah deh langsung masuk.. plus dapet bonus celetukan dari mas yg jagain meja depan yg berusaha melucu..
"ok, you can all just straight away go downstairs..
di bawah pas masuk ternyata dy nyediain area aktivitas.. ada empat "pos" berbentuk piramida.. tiap piramida ada kegiatannya.. yg pertama info sekilas tentang peradaban mesir kuno blablabla..
yg kedua nyediain kertas dan petunjuk cara bikin piramida a la origami.. ahh, akulturasi budaya.. me likey :)
yg berikutnya ada hieroglyphs dan dijelasin itu melambangkan huruf apa aja dalam abjad latin.. ada pembatas buku kosong sama cap gede dari tiap "huruf" mesir.. jadi kita bisa ngecap nama kita di pembatas buku itu dalam bentuk piktograf.. pretty cool idea, eh ?
yg terakhir isinya games.. ada yg mirip ular tangga, tanpa ular ataupun tangga *hadoooh, bingung jg jelasinnya gimana* dan papannya kyk papan catur.. dadunya pake kayu empat biji yg satu sisinya dicet item.. ada sistemny sendiri, kalau 1 sisi yg item maju brapa langkah, kalau 2 yg item brapa, dst..
tapi masih ramean congklak sih kyknya.. ;p
kalau di dalam, isinya artefak", mumi dan petinya, patung", dan deskripsi tentang masing" benda.. juga ada video tentang gimana bikin mumi.. reka ulang sih isinya tapi tetep agak merinding liatnya.. -____-
semuanya disimpan di balik kaca..
desain interiornya niaaaaat bgt.. kyknya budgetnya gede deh jadi emang bisa ada anggaran khusus fokus ke tata ruang pamerannya.. udah mah semua bendanya kiriman dari luar negeri lagi.. ahh..
terus jadi bikin kepikiran, sebagai anak afs yg pikirannya suka mengawang-ngawang ke topik "my ideal version of how indonesia should be", ini aplikatif bgt buat bikin pameran memperkenalkan budaya apapun, ga terkecuali indonesia.. sejarah ? check.. peran dalam dunia internasional ? are you kidding ? we were the spice islands for cryin out loud ! so, check.. serba-serbi tradisional ? check.. wierd and wacky, not to mention supernatural trivia ? check banget !
jadi kenapa ga ada yg bikin ?
memang random, tapi pameran ancient egypt ini juga kan ?
kurang apa sih indonesia ? kurang pede sama inisiatif aja.. klise bener..
pameran ini berkesan karena mungkin memang akunya tertarik sih mempelajari macem" budaya.. visually pleasing, informatif, dan secara ga langsung interaktif dgn pos" aktivitas yg disediain..
kapan" deh ya kalau punya modal dan ada yg mau bantu, aku mau bikin ahh pameran kyk gini yg bertemakan Indonesia :) amiiin..
*so there you go, our little visit to egypt.. ga lama kok, cuma sejam lah paling kita di sana.. tapi berkesan.. sangat berkesan :)*