Saturday, May 22, 2010

happy birthday naghe :)

Dearest Naghe,

sesuatu yg sering banget kita omongin adalah betapa jalan hidup kita suka sama banget..
siapa lagi coba temen aku yg bareng dari SD sampe SMA terus AFS bareng pula..
we are often facing the same kinds of situations in which we tend to have pretty much the same points of view on things that happen in life.. random stuff, kyk waktu itu naghe bikin notes tentang kampus yg berinisial 3 huruf itu, itu kena banget because i have exactly the same opinions, also regarding the place where i ended up going to..
we tend to always invest 100% of our hearts in anything or, ehm, anyone we're involved in, which leads to perhaps unnecessarily terrible dissappointment at times but also unexpectedly joyful *but well deserved* moments at other times..
we tend to have a hard time letting things go.. we forgive but never forget.. and we end up telling bitter little b*thcy stories to each other which after it's shared, it's not so bad anymore and can even be turned into laughter :)
our big fat wall of pride on certain things, perhaps that's the reason why we both insist on doing part-time jobs *are you still teaching, dear?* even though managing time for our academic studies is already somewhat of a task.. it gives us satisfaction, it makes us feel independent, it fulfills our strong social needs, it makes us feel better about ourselves since we're actually doing something for other people.. and most of all, the fact that we can earn our own money makes our parents proud, even though it's only enough for our own needs.. and at the end of the day, that's the reason we do everything we do and try to achieve everything we want to achieve, is to make our parents proud.. the best way to make people like us happy is to know that we've done something that makes our parents/family and loved ones happy..

i have no trouble making friends *sombong :p* but finding friends who actually care, that's something different.. and i also have really bad trust issues, i find it tremendously difficult to find someone i can trust.. therefore, i'm a lucky person to have met you and be given the ability to call you a friend, nadia greviana :)

i wish you a wonderful, wonderful year ahead!
21 sure does seem like a big number, but if God is giving us the chance to live this far, means we're still useful enough to have around in this earth.. may you continue to help and bring joy to the others around you like you always have, whether you realize you're doing it or not :)

loads of ♥ from SG,
Namira :)

p.s. i'm sorry i'm not around to say all this to you directly *i wish i were*, i'm sorry i ended up posting this 1 day late, and i miss you too much :')