Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Restaurant Hopping - The Kiosk Setiabudhi
Posted by namira primandari at 3:47 AM 0 comments
Labels: babbles, doodles, restaurant hopping
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Goresan Semangat Kemerdekaan
Seperti kapur yang sudah digoreskan di atas papan, tentu kapur itu tetap saja bisa pudar. Bisa karena terkena air, bisa karena terkena gesekan tangan, bisa juga karena memang dihapus. Namun kalau kita ingin kapur itu tetap ada, cukup goreskan saja lagi. Mudah bukan?
Sama halnya dengan semangat kemerdekaan, semangat nasionalisme. Akan selalu ada percikan air dan gesekan tubuh yang bisa memudarkan goresan semangat kita. Tapi bagaimana jika kita ingin semangat itu tetap ada? Goreskan saja lagi!
Dirgahayu Republik Indonesia. Semoga seiring bertambah usiamu bertambah pula goresan semangat anak bangsa!
Posted by namira primandari at 11:49 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Posted by namira primandari at 11:27 PM 0 comments
wanting to make either a short animation or a children's book. toying with the idea of a 'Si Kancil' remake. not sure about anything yet, no story, no visuals, so this is just me messing around looking for ideas.
Posted by namira primandari at 11:21 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Happy Birthday Dethie!
dearest Dethie,
first of all, sorry for the late birthday greeting. i knew it was your birthday yet i stalled instead of congratulating you right away because i wanted to do something a little more than just write you a 140-character shout-out.
i'm not good at birthday presents so i hope you like this little doodle i made just to make it clear, this is you and, yes, that's salmon in the background :)
2 minggu kemaren aku kan ikut orientasi. terus jadi inget aja lagi semua rangkaian kejadian dari mulai seleksi sampe berangkat sampe kehidupan sekarang post-pertukaran pelajar.
you are a big part of my journey and always will be. karena kita mulainya bareng dan sama-sama ngejalanin bareng.
apakah aku maupun kamu sudah bisa menjadi seperti yang diharapkan dari seorang alumni AFS, aku ga bisa nilai sih. tapi yang jelas mah satu kesamaan dari semua returnee dan volunteer AFS yang pernah aku temui adalah i would instantly feel that they are people i admire. including, YOU, of course. all the ones that are selected to go to norway are special, i'm sure you know that, right? ;)
i think you have amazing survival skills, you are always yourself no matter where you are and that's a good thing because you are definitely a very pleasant person to be around. siapapun yang kenal sama kamu pasti mendapat kesan kamu bukan sekedar sebagai kenalan, tapi sebagai teman, baik yang baru kenal sekalipun :) you can be clumsy and a bit absent-minded but it makes you all the more endearing. it makes you approachable. you are naturally kind, funny, caring, and talented (despite your crazy singing and dancing, people can surely tell you sing and dance well for real ^^). you're not afraid of being in the center of attention and show people what you're capable of.
i can go on and on and on about things i admire about you but let's just wrap it up and simply say, i look up to you, i always have and always will :)
so, HAPPY BIRTHDAY my cute crazy little salmon girl. i'm lucky to be able to have you as friend.
may you always be blessed with nothing but the best.
♥ always,
Namira Primandari
Posted by namira primandari at 1:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: babbles, birthday wishes, digital, doodles
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Hand Drawn Cards Galore!
a recent AFS Swiss returnee reminded me about something i love the most about Swiss people; they like sending each other greeting cards (or sometimes postcards when they're away). i've had a few big events for some very good friends during in the same week, so i went on a card-making spree. i had tons of fun making them, i hope they like it :)
Posted by namira primandari at 11:19 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Just Married
I pretty much like the way it turned out. The colours are perhaps a bit too pale & subdued but i won't beat myself up for that. Heh.
Posted by namira primandari at 12:40 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Hyoyeon Inspired Doodles
doodles inspired by Kim Hyoyeon from Girls Generation (SNSD) participating in this season of Korea's Dancing with the Stars :) i've always liked her and she wears the most adorable outfits on the show, both during her performances and also during the behind the scenes cuts, i couldn't help but do some fanart ♥
Posted by namira primandari at 6:17 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 25, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Monday, April 16, 2012
both pieces were initially only pencil sketches but i touched up at home. i particularly like the second piece; the pretty slippers neatly lined in a row tucked under the handsomely carved wooden cabinet. it was simply beautiful, i just had to sketch it!
Mr. Alvin was a wonderful host, offering us kueh-kuehs and even playing the piano for us which as we were allowed to sit, squat, or stand in front of anything really and sketch ourselves silly trying to capture all the intricate details and wonderful shapes. it was a really great sketching atmosphere and i'm glad i got to be part of it. hope my sketches are improving with time. at least i can say that i'm a little bit more confident in using watercolours now :)
Posted by namira primandari at 7:16 AM 0 comments
Labels: babbles, doodles, urban sketchers singapore
Saturday, April 14, 2012
we sketched the temple area and i did one of the flower seller's stall.
they actually started closing up before i managed to finish so i just drew what i remembered :p
Posted by namira primandari at 5:39 AM 0 comments
Labels: doodles
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
The Naive Nibblers

ini kejadiannya beberapa tahun lalu. anak-anak polos ini adalah teman-teman kosan saya pada waktu itu. kelanjutan dari cerita ini adalah waktu saya pulang, mereka nawarin saya makan juga namun berakhir dengan kekecewaan karena tentu saja saya yang bermata awas dan berhidung tajam ini langsung mengenali isinya sebagai sale pisang! ;p
Posted by namira primandari at 5:21 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 2, 2012

got a My Neighbour Totoro art book from Basheer for 25 bucks — what a steal! :) it was on sale I think, as far as I remember, Studio Ghibli art books are usually around SGD 60-ish. I was looking for the Ponyo one but I think they ran out of stock, but I'm glad I found this one! such precious insights to the process of making the whole thing. hand-drawn storyboards, early character development/designs, still images from the actual movie and how it compared to the original concept art *sigh*! above are a few of my favourite pages. this book is forever gawk-worthy! :")
Posted by namira primandari at 6:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: babbles, my neighbour totoro, studio ghibli
The James McAvoy Movie Role Illustrated Appreciation Post
I was snooping around t-shirt designs from society6 and there was one with cute-ified illustrations of Jack Black in all of his movie role costumes, so I wanted to do something like that. my first pick, regarding how much fun all his wacky costumes would be to draw, was Johnny Depp, but he has done a bazillion movies and I'd never be able to finish. so instead, the ever so charming James McAvoy sounded like a good idea and I really do adore the man! the details are super simplified and some may not be 100% accurate, but this is my best try :) I skipped his animated characters so yeah, I ended up with 14 doodles in total.
these are just rough sketches okay, so not so harsh on the comments/critiques (if any hahah), eh? :) I'll trace them out digitally one by one and post them when I'm done. perhaps I'll try printing some on an actual t-shirt. we'll see how that'll look. I'll most likely do Mr. Tumnus first because that's the one that looks most like I imagined it in my head :)
which one do YOU like?
Posted by namira primandari at 6:14 AM 0 comments
Labels: babbles, doodles, james mcavoy
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Kinetic Typography - Pinocchio (Shrek)
one of my favourite exercises ever — kinetic typography! :)
the audio clip is taken from Shrek 3 when Pinocchio was interrogated by Prince Charming and his band of villains.
Pinocchio (Shrek) - Kinetic Typo from Namira Primandari on Vimeo.
Posted by namira primandari at 7:51 PM 0 comments
PHOBIA — was the theme for this project during Narrative Illustration class. we were to come up with an illustrative font that describes fear towards something in particular. that would be a no-brainer in my case — CATS! i've always been scared of them since i was a kid and i never really got over it even though i spent my whole exchange year in Switzerland living with two very furry and demonic eyed felines *shudders*
from the font and object of fear we chose, we had to make a comic out of it. the idea for my comic was basically a theory about nightmares i had heard from a friend. each panel is monochromatic, and every different colour represents a different time frame. still could use heaps of improvement but it didn't stray much from my original thumbnail sketches so i'm pretty okay with how it turned out !
Posted by namira primandari at 10:31 AM 0 comments
Everybody Needs A Best Friend - Kleenex ad campaign
here's a video i helped a friend to do for his advertising campaign for his final project. just some simple stuff but it did make me realize how i miss doing motion graphics :)
Kleenex: Everybody Needs a Best Friend (Campaign Case Study) from Ezra Adhitya on Vimeo.
Posted by namira primandari at 10:14 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 19, 2012
Birthday Greeting
here is the cover for a card i made my friend a couple of weeks ago. it's supposed to be a drawing of him and since my housemates recognized him instantly, i'll take that as a success - hahaa :)
Posted by namira primandari at 1:59 AM 0 comments
Labels: doodles
Friday, February 17, 2012
I hereby present my showreel accompanied by the cute and fun musical stylings of my good friends from Fruit n' Salads! :)
Animation Showreel - Namira from Namira Primandari on Vimeo.
Posted by namira primandari at 9:59 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 2, 2012
I had an outing with a fellow sketcher I got to know through the Urban Sketchers Singapore group. We had lunch, walked around for a bit, then decided to sketch at the Singapore Art Museum. We sat at the SMU building across the road from it, sheltered from the blistering sun (it was already 3ish, so we thought it wouldn't be so bad but we were wrong — boo!) My friend actually sketched the building while I opted to sketch these instead.
I sketched this plant exactly for the reason i wrote on the sketch; because they look pretty like fireworks! :)
Concrete Jungle — The Manulife building, the one that has Wendy's & Kopitiam at the first floor intrigued me as from the spot I was sitting, it looked like this, a tall building that seemed to be 'protected' by the trees surrounding it (when in reality, the trees were across the road from it, but from this angle that's how it striked me). Although I complain a lot about Singapore developing too fast in terms of modern day necessities such as tall buildings just like the one I drew, this sort of reminded me that there's still effort put into keeping the greenery too. So I ended up quite happy realizing that while sketching.
(I much regret the green-ish sky. what was I thinking?)
Sketching is much more fun when you have a companion. I plan to do another outing with another friend of mine to the zoo. I've always wanted to do this and we'll spend the whole Saturday sketching the hell out of those animals! So exciteeeeeeddddd! :)
Posted by namira primandari at 8:14 AM 0 comments
to infinite ... and beyond!
Posted by namira primandari at 7:56 AM 0 comments
Labels: disney geek, doodles
Posted by namira primandari at 4:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: babbles
Monday, January 30, 2012
The Sketchbook Project
I just found out about this: The Sketchbook Project.
So what happens is you sign up and register paying a certain fee to get a blank sketchbook mailed to you and you need to fill it in and send it back before the deadline and it will be a part of an exhibition held in New York city plus it will also be printed in the limited edition Sketchbook Project Book. Sounds fun and there's nothing to lose in participating, I'm training myself to sketch more often anyway, so I joined in and now I'm waiting for my sketchbook to come — yay! :)
Posted by namira primandari at 10:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: babbles, the sketchbook project
Our pet Mutmut the Guinea Pig (or marmut, as we call it in Indonesian). She belongs to my housemates but everyone here pretty much takes care of her and plays with her a lot, so she's pretty much everyone's pet :)
*click on the picture for a bigger, clearer view!
Posted by namira primandari at 8:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: doodles
Sunday, January 29, 2012
My First Sketchwalk This Year! :)
We went to the National Museum. I've always wanted to sketch the place, it's a really interesting looking building with crazy details. So crazy that I kind of gave up and decided to focus on smaller parts of the building but I tried to include as much details as possible :)
Posted by namira primandari at 8:14 AM 0 comments
Labels: doodles, urban sketchers singapore